Graphic Design Rates Per Hour South Africa

What is acceptable when...

Paying for Creative Work?

We have done some research into what is considered acceptable industry standard rates . what costs are involved in the creative process and what an acceptable amount would be to charge or pay for creative work.

Introduction video placeholder

A guideline for creatives unsure what amount to charge and clients confused about what they should be paying . As discussed in our previous post on
how the design process works.
Pricing greatly relies on experience and quality of work. A good standard for designers to cost projects and for companies looking to get an estimate for future planned projects. Most professional designers make use of time tracking software and invoice based on time-sheets .

How to...

Effectively track your hours

feel this is a very important topic to touch on. Personally I use a project managemant system , installed on a sub-domain that allows client login and task assignment . You can see the software in the below links. There are many other free to use software such as Toggl , that offers a similar service. This is mostly dependent on personal preference. However as a freelance creative either of these would undoubtedly be a necessity.

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A Quick...

Thank You

We would like to give you a pat on the back. Becoming a freelancer is no small feat. It takes endurance and a drive that not many have. We praise you for that and wish you a successful endeavor. As for clients reading this we greatly appreciate you and your faith in our abilities . The easy way out is to go straight to an already established agency. However with your input you are pushing driven minds forward . Individuals that have such an amazing passion for what they do. breaking free of the day-to-day. To grow and push themselves.

Here we are...

South African Freelance Design Rates

The below is a rough price estimation we got from freelancentral . Here are the going hour , and daily south african freelance design rates . Above and beyond years, skills should also be considered . Naturally, individuals that offer more than one combined skill , i.e Unicorns , to see a job through until the end would likely charge more .

  • Junior

    (1-3 Years)
  • Hourly Rate

  • R150 - R325
  • Daily Rate

  • R1,125 - R2,500
  • Middleweight

    (3-7 Years)
  • Hourly Rate

  • R350 - R500
  • Daily Rate

  • R2,625 - R3,750
  • Senior

    (7-12 Years)
  • Hourly Rate

  • R500 - R700
  • Daily Rate

  • R3,750 - R5,250
  • Heavyweight

    (12+ Years)
  • Hourly Rate

  • R700 - R1,000+
  • Daily Rate

  • R5,250 - R10,000+

So what are the...

Costs of Freelancing

There are some variables that influence the above. Creatives spend a good amount per anum on connectivity and software required for their craft. A good amount gets spent on hardware. The more render intense the project, the more processing power is required . A desktop PC with enough processing power will set you back about R40 000 , an entry level camera roughly R20 000 . Designers also require software to effectively do their job. The most popular of those would be Adobe CC that currently goes for R14,999.00 annually .

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Bottom Line

I have seen many a designer quote peanuts for creative work. R200 a logo design . R1000 for a website . We all pay little attention to these guys because we know better . However, a start-up company doesn't necessarily understand what accompanies good design . The difference between paying an acceptable price and setting a barely established business up for failure .

Great creative work is exactly that… "WORK" … From a completely non-biased perspective(get ready for it)… We will put our foot down to cheap design Unless for a completely non-profit cause . Considering these rates are disrespectful to our abilities and disrespectful to you and your vision .

Anything that forces us to drop our rates, equally forces us to drop our creative standards .

"The money you make
is a symbol of the value you create"

— Idowu Koyenikan

Graphic Design Rates Per Hour South Africa


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